Our Story

Amp It Up Digital LLC was started as a passion project by Mike Lauer. In part, his vision for Amp It Up Digital was to teach his children how to start & run a business and nurture their entrepreneurial spirit. The Focus Solutions Company Store is one of many experiments in this regard. This company store is run by Mike's teenage son, Harrison who has the strongest desire to be a self-made businessman. The profits from this store will help pay for Harrison's college education, which he is not entirely sure he needs, but non-the-less is planning to pursue.

Isaiah Lauer - Hero 01
August Lauer Hero 01

The Rest of the Kids

Mike has 5 kids in all. The others are involved in Amp It Up digital in various other ways including fashion design, video production, and content creation. Mostly Mike’s wife, Meredith just scratches her head every time Mike or one of the kids comes up with a new idea. Entrepreneurship is not her thing. The more unsure she is about an idea, the better we think it is.

When he gets a chance (don’t hold your breath), Mike will share updates about these adventures on Amp It Up Digital’s website.

Catherine Lauer Hero 01
Jillian Lauer Hero 01